Habit formation is not easy because human beings evolved to make habits something we just do without too much thinking. Therefore creating new habits forces your brain to pay attention to those all of those little things you do throughout your day, which can draining and hart to do long-term, which is why success rates can be hit or miss.
If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ll probably have to admit that you wanted to build all kinds of habits, but you never stuck with them long enough for them to actually become habits. That’s totally normal, but we are here to tell you that visual cues can help habits stick in new and exciting ways.
For instance, habits are actually created in the brain through a looping process that involves a cue that leads to a routine behavior that provides a reward.
First, choose a visual cue that reminds you you have to do something and keep it within sight. Then, slowly integrate that habit into your daily routines. be patient with yourself because this takes time.
James Clear talks about how you can use things as tiny as paper clips to build the long-lasting habit you’ve been trying to start. It’s all about the visual proof of your progress - when you get visual cues that you’re doing something right, your motivation increases, which enables you to keep going.
Every time you stick to your habit, pat yourself on the back (literally and figuratively) because you killing the game girl! Celebrate all of those small wins that add up to lasting big transformation.